School Activities


Mr. Porter is coaching basketball this spring.

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Village Leadership Academy, in partnership with Scholastic Book Fairs, hosts two opportunities for students to access affordable books and other items. Each Spring and Fall during Student-Led Conferences, families can join the book fair and purchase books that match students’ interests and reading levels.


Every November, Village Leadership Academy students in 7th grade have the opportunity to use the outdoor environment as an integrated learning site. They practice science through hands-on exploration and experimentation, student-directed inquiries, and the opportunity to apply these skills and knowledge to real problems and situations. Socialization, teamwork, and group living skills are also important components of this program. Students develop a science identity and science process skills, along with social and critical thinking skills that are necessary to prepare them to be global citizens capable of addressing complex problems.

Click here to make a payment for MOSS.


Each Spring, 4th graders take part in Wagon’s Ho, a full-day immersive experience as an early pioneer on the Oregon Trail. Students learn firsthand about life in the early West by sawing logs, washing clothes on a washboard, priming a pump for water, lighting candles, lassoing, branding, making toys, using pioneer tools, and cooking with a dutch oven. Students also learn to synergize, learning how survival required working together as a team.


8th-grade students at Village Leadership Academy spend 3 days and 2 nights camping in Owyhee County to explore the rich geography of Idaho. This capstone science event explores the Shoofly Oolites, Bruneau Sand Dunes, Murphy, and Reynolds Creek. Students use their learning in science over the past three years and their leadership skills to work together to study the wildlife, geology, stars, and other wonders of nature