Village Leadership Academy is a Leader in Me school, a research-validated comprehensive process designed to address social-emotional needs, college and career readiness, and the development of a strong leadership culture. Leader in Me helps students develop the skills and self-confidence they need to lead their lives and succeed in school and beyond.

Guiding Principles

We believe every child is a leader.

We are committed to the cause of helping students develop the leadership and academic skills they need to survive and thrive in the 21st century.

We believe every child has genius.

Each child possesses unique skills and brings their ‘genius’ to school every day. At Village Leadership Academy, we work to identify and nurture these skills and empower our students to explore their innate genius in a safe, supportive and nurturing environment.

We address the Whole Child.

Establish a “whole-child” mindset with a belief that all students have genius and everyone can be a leader.

Leader in Me provides elementary schools with a model and process that addresses common challenges that are unique to students during these formative years. Parents, educators, and school administrators are concerned with their child’s physical, mental, social, and economic well-being, all of which are factors that can contribute to or hinder academic success. Teachers, staff, and administrators at Leader in Me Schools are empowered to provide support in all of these areas by creating a learning environment that addresses whole-child education with five (5) Core Paradigms. These paradigms influence the behavior of staff, students, and their families.

We empower students to lead their own learning.

At Village Leadership Academy, students are given the freedom to lead their own education and empowered to succeed in work that matters to them.

We prepare students for the 21st century.

Village Leadership Academy focuses on students learning skills critical to success in the 21st century, including self-confidence, teamwork, responsibility, creativity, and problem-solving. Your child needs to be prepared for life beyond school. They need to understand how to pursue goals and become responsible, productive citizens. Your student will find success as they learn to be accountable for their choices, considerate of those around them, and equip themselves for the future with tools like the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

We empower educators.

Our teachers have access to tools designed to teach leadership to every student, create a culture of student empowerment, and align systems to drive results in academics. By offering a four-day school week, your student will be in class Monday through Thursday learning and growing. Every Friday, your student gets to learn at home (or spend time with one of our childcare partners) and every Friday, your child's teachers will spend the day improving their classrooms. It's a win-win, we believe that as your student's teachers become better teachers, students’ education experience will improve!