The Framework provides a unique approach to integrating highly effective practices throughout a school’s culture.

Instead of focusing on academic measures alone, Leader in Me embodies a holistic approach to education, redefining how schools measure success. This approach empowers educators with effective practices and tools to:

  • teach LEADERSHIP to every student,

  • create a CULTURE of student empowerment,

  • and align systems to drive results in ACADEMICS.

Leader in Me® — Elementary Education

Leader in Me utilizes and integrates leadership, social-emotional learning, quality, and educational models and processes from past and current thought leaders.

Leader in Me includes training on establishing a vision for the school, goal setting, data tracking, and personal accountability systems and is aligned with best-in-class content and concepts practiced by global education thought leaders. Leader in Me provides a logical, sequential, and balanced process to help schools proactively design a culture that reflects their vision of their ideal school.

Leader in Me differs from other whole-school transformation processes in that it offers a holistic, schoolwide experience for staff, students, and parents, and creates a common language and culture within the school. The leadership principles and lessons are not taught as a curriculum but instead are incorporated into coursework, traditions, systems, and culture.

 Leader in Me seeks to:

  • Create a culture of trust and engagement.

  • Empower students to lead their own lives, and make a difference with others.

  • Provide students tools to better achieve goals.

  • Develop student voice.